Monday 3 December 2007

Our Pitch

Our Music Video Pitch
•Our track choice is “Lonely Soul” by Unkle.
•British musical outfit founded 1994.
•James Lavelle and Tim Goldsworthy.
•Originally categorized as “trip-hop.”
•“Lonely Soul” featured in trailer for Xbox 360 and PS3 game “Assassin’s Creed” in 2007.

Initial Response/Ideas
•Use of voyeurism
•Ideas of being lonely, anchors the track name, and corresponding to the lyric of “God knows you’re lonely souls”
•The idea of searching for someone/something that isn’t there.
•Lots of facial close ups, especially lips and eyes
•On-screen text use
•We don’t want our video to be as if we are trying to reinforce/create a star persona. The actor in the video is not necessarily the lead singer of Unkle.
•Just like “Natural Blues” by Moby, we are going to perform a completely narrative based video, with very little or no lip-synching.
•We think that we will use little or no non-diagetic sound in our video.
•The video will be shot almost if not entirely at night time, however this presents us with the problem of lighting issues.

•We have come to the conclusion that this video will be shot entirely in an urban location, as this meets the conventions of this genre of music track.
•We are going to use (if possible) somebody else who isn’t in our group as our actor.
•The lighting will be one issue which we must address or research because with the cameras we are using and halogen lights in streetlights, you often get a pinkish light.
•Some of the shots may be in black and white or very high contrast levels.
•On Wednesday 28th November Josh and Rob went out in Tunbridge Wells town centre at around 11pm to take some location reccie shots for mood board and ideas.

Location Recce
•Tunbridge Wells town centre has some interesting areas in which to film, especially at night on a weekday, as it is fairly derelict, and entirely artificially lit.
•Some notable locations are alongside the AXA PPP offices, where there are dark alleyways (but lit enough to film well), the Assembly Hall multi-story car park, the road alongside Que Pasa and the area around the back of Currys Digital.
•These locations include dark alleys, tunnels, spiral fire escape staircases and large concrete buildings (very suitable for an urban environment).

Camera Usage
•We will use mostly steadicam, following the actor as he walks around looking for something he can’t find.
•The use of CCTV voyeurism will be from a high angle looking down, which will pan across as he walks past the area, as if it is following him.
•For the majority, if not all of the video the performer will not realise he is being followed, so will not interact with the camera at all.
•For any dolly shots we will take, we will use something like a shopping trolley, or a chair on wheels to attempt to create a smooth footage shot.
•There will be the use of low angle shots


We have received feedback regarding our ideas for our music video pitch, and one of the main criticisms is that with just a simple narrative, this will become slightly boring and will not work for a full four minutes. To target this, we have been advised that perhaps getting a female to star in the video along with a man may be the solution. Lucy Shilling (TWGSB Class of 2007) has expressed interest, and we will be following up this offer.

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