Friday 25 January 2008


In our video we have now decided to have Lucy as the main part walking through the dark streets. We want to use natural lighting from the streets such as streetlights and shop lights. We feel that this will give off an urban feel which is the effect we want to give. In terms of props, we will be using very little if any of our planned ones. Our main focus will be the actor throughout the video so the only other aspects in shot will be building and streetlights. However, before each shot we take, we will be careful about what is in the shot and may have to move objects to get the shot we are looking for. For costume, we will want Lucy to wear clothes that our target audience can relate to. Therefore, clothes that she would normally wear, such as jeans and boots, with a coat as it is at night, would be what we are aiming for in terms of Lucy's clothing.

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