Wednesday 6 February 2008

Shot Ideas for Music Video - Unkle - Lonely Soul

Idea 1

We position the camera in a still position. We take shots of both 'Edd' and 'Lucy'. They start from behind the camera, both from the same place and walk in the same direction to a point in the distance at the same speed. Although this isn't to much of a problem as they are walking away from the camera, not at a parralel to it, which makes it easy to speed up or slow down the shot in editing without the shot looking altered. When we come to editing we make shore that the in and out points are the same and that each shot runs for exactly the same time. Both shots are played at the same time one over the top of the other. ('Lucy's' shot will be over the shot of 'Edd' as she is the main actress). We then cut the shot of 'Lucy' equally without creating a time gap in between each shot. Then we can change the opacity of each shot of 'Lucy' (lowering it towards the middle, and then raising it towards the end) while playing the shot of 'Edd' behind. This will merge the shots together and make it look as if the actor and actress switch places for a second or two, starting with 'Lucy' changing to 'Edd' and finishing again with 'Lucy'. I think this would be a good effect to encorporate into our video, as the more effects we add in our music video, the more the narrative will come alive.

Idea 2

Another idea we thought would be good to encorporate in our Music Video, would be to use 'flash forwards'. The start of the music video is set up by using the end of the narrative shown with a montage of clips with 'Edd' dead. Therefore to avoid to much confusion in the audience, we thought that breaking up the rewound narrative with 'flash forwards' would help the audience understand the narrative more throughout the music video. To distinguish these 'flash forward' shots, we thought that we could make them black and white, and seporate them from the main body of the music video with dissolve to black edits. This would ensure that viewers of our enterpration of 'Lonely Soul' could grasp our concept of what 'Unkle' meant when creating a song about a lonely soul.

Idea 3

For the opening sequence of our music video we thought that we should use the end of the music video to start the narrative. This would allow us to rewind some of the shots and restart the narrative. Therefore, keep the audience on their toes trying to guess the next part of our music video.

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