Wednesday 14 November 2007

Analysis of Massive Attack - Live with Me (Directed by Johnathan Glazer)

Key points of this video:
  • Postmodern
  • Beginning of video in shop - social realist, engima - is she having a party with all that alcohol?
  • Lots of use of jump cuts at start, quickens time up
  • Pace of the music picks up and she begins to walk faster - visual relationship to the music
  • "Day and night I've been missing you" - cuts to a CU of her face
  • Sitting on the toilet - fairly explicit for a music video - however, it is not glamorised at all (visible with the bleach and toilet brush shown)
  • She is almost suicidal, won't stop drinking even when she is on the toilet.
  • Use of depth of field
  • A visual relationship - the camera jolts as she stumbles from drunkenness
  • Dream sequence - postmodernism (Glazer - Sexy Beast)
  • Final shot in video of the stars - is she dead? Enigma

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