Sunday 25 November 2007

PRODUCT ANALYSIS - Massive Attack - Protection

-starts with a toy gun, walking along the street with the camara facing downwards. the camara the goes to a high angle in the elevater and is held at an angle.
-you scale the building looking into different peoples house, u see the singer going into her house. the next window along theres a women in a wheel chair, struggling.
-a performance shot were the camara comes through the window, and a narrative happens, looking into everyones life through their windows. You see the singer laying on her coach.
-the camara seems to be foating, and their is a man floating in his room. Conoting that everythings gone upside down, as we see different peopls different situations, and the grim living conditions they have to put up with.
-we then see the singer next to her self, as if she were a gost, shes laying on the sofa as if shes drunk.
-the first person that looks into the camara is a black man, and it seems as though they have a conection, the singer and this man "your a girl and im boy". It seems as though they have a history as he stares at the camara with menace and follows it with his eyes at it leaves the building.
-there are children present in this video as well, represented as miss treated. and having hardship as her father drops the girl off from the begining to another house, and she seems in destress. The camara then focusses on an empty car seat where the girl would have been before. This portrays sadness.
-i think the main meaning behind this video, is that we live in a time of hardship, and the location, of a coucil appartment building backs this up. We are looking into peoples lives, and seeing the struggles they have to through in life.

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