Sunday 25 November 2007

PRODUCT ANALYSIS: The Chemical Brothers - Elektrobank

  • Directed by Spike Jonze.
  • Narrative based video.
  • Opens with quiet digetic sound of clapping. Shows a gymnast in a changing room. The audience assume that clapping is for a gymnast in arena that we cannot see. It cuts to a close-up of her face and the audience can now see that the girl is Sofia Coppola, a familiar face in the film industry.
  • POV shot as she leaves the changing room. The clapping gets louder as she gets closer and the audience can now see the audience from the gymnast's point of view.
  • Dialogue with her trainer suggests she is competing with previous act for the competition. The other gymnast presented as stuck up, quite attractive but the audience doesn't form an on-screen relationship with her. The audience is positioned with Sofia Coppola, this is done with the use of POV shots and a lot of time on-screen.
  • Digetic sounds used a lot, however these sounds wouldn't be used on track normally, only in video.
  • Soundtrack starts as she starts her routine, although her dance isn't necessarily performed to the song, as the song seems inappropriate for the situation.
  • Uses quite a lot of long shots cutting to close-ups of her face during the sequence. The fast-pace tempo of the song as and pace of the dance creates a feeling of speed, something not normally associated with gymnastics.
  • Lots of reaction shots to express the audiences surprise at the routine.
  • Use of slow motion, exaggerates the stunts.
  • The dance is in parts, synchronized with the music.
  • Location isn't very stylish, looks like school gym or something. This helps to add to realism of situation.
  • Slow-motion finale of dance routine. The slow-motion along with reaction shots help to create a sense of climax to the song. Supported by the reintroduction of digetic sounds from the audience. The audience create a sense of voyeurism, which is a common concept in music video.
  • The Mise-en-scene in the video is mainly focused on the costume. We can see that it is a serious competition with that and the use of props. Me and Rob can learn a lot from this and the importance of planning. The lighting is also important as it doesn't look that proffesional and hepls the audience to feel like theyu are actually there at the time.
  • Has a degree of shock factor in the sense that an accomplished director, Sofia Coppola, is shown to be doing very advanced gymnastic moves. For this reason, I believe that the video stands up to repeat viewings.

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