Sunday 25 November 2007

PRODUCT ANALYSIS: UNKLE - Rabbit in your Headlights

  • One of the main points to note from this video is there is a huge "shock factor." This is fairly rare from generic music videos.
  • Again, the video is set in an urban location, however this time it is all set in one urban location - the underground tunnel.
  • Can't tell what time of day it was shot because of the fact it's underground.
  • Again, a narrative based video
  • The character shown is seen to be talking to himself. This raises an enigma, is he mental? Why is he walking down the middle of the road in the tunnel by himself talking? What language is he speaking? What is he saying?
  • He is hit around 5 times by different cars, all of which are shown full on, and are very shocking and graphic to watch. This video would probably not be able to be shown before the watershed due to the content of it - not very commerical.
  • When he is hit by the cars, not a single one of them stop, or even seem to be worried about the fact they ran someone over.
  • This again shows a sense of loneliness and the fact that nobody cares about the person
  • The lyrics are very related to the video, "I'm a rabbit in your headlights" - twinned with a man walking alond the road in front of a lot of cars.
  • At the end of the video, the man waits for a car to hit him then unleashes some kind of power. Was this mental power he was builiding up? The car then smashes around him in a very surreal and postmodern scene.

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