Thursday 29 November 2007

Location Reccie

Rob and I went on a location reccie to see what sort of locations we can use in the music video. We walked around Tunbridge Wells and found quite a lot of good potential locations that we can take into consideration when storyboarding our ideas. Some of the many pictures we took can be seen on the right side of our blog page. We also filmed some footage.
After seeing some of the shots afterwards we feel that we have found some good locations, such as a dark alley, a large car park and the middle of town near the Millenium Clock. However, after going out on the reccie we have realised a few problems. For example, we didnt predict how hard it is in such a popular place to get a shot with minimal movement from other people or objects in the background. We also realised that there was a potential problem with lighting in the streets. Some of the footage has a 'reddish' look to it due to the lighting in town. However, the Blacks' car park seems like an ideal location as the lighting is exactly what we are aiming for and it is often empty at night time.

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