Sunday 25 November 2007

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS: Fatboy Slim - Don't Let The Man Get You Down

0.01 - Garage door opening outside an american looking house with man. LS so mans identity is not clear
0.06 - Cuts to the man's upper body. Large text going across screen saying 'THIS IS DON'
0.09 - Shows Don in what looks like his garden, a Medium Long Shot, with his fishing rod going out of view. Same style text comes up saying 'DON LIKES FISHING'
0.16 - Cuts to a Neighbourhood watch sign on a lamppost
0.19 - Two coloured boys cycle past him on a bike, Don looks back in disgust. Panning camera movement. He mouths something to himself and then 'DON IS A RACIST' appears on the screen. There is a rural background of a typical american neighbourhood.
0.33 - MLS of Don handing out a morning paper to a white lady with subtitles at the bottom saying 'Morning paper?'. He then says 'not for you' to an ethnic lady behind her waiting for a paper.
0.45 - Don in Cafe and an Indian man sits next to him. Starts at medium shot. Shows his reaction then goes to a MCU of Don then the Indian before going back to the original shot to show Don moving his stuff away.
1.00 - POV shot of Don sitting in car. Black family walks past in front of car. Then cuts to side MCU and shows Don's reaction and then shows him locking the door of his vehicle when a black man is walking nearby. Subtitles 'Oh God'. Ironically, he is outside a church and that is where the black man had come from. Cuts back to POV shot of same man walking past the front of car and then back to previous angle.
1.14 - MS shows Don using urinal. A black man comes to use the one next to him, but we can only see their backs. Subtitles 'What are you doing?', then 'What do you mean "what am I doing?"'. Don moves to next urinal.
1.25 - Tracking shot of Asian couple then cuts to MCU of asian man getting into his vehicle. Cuts to MLS of vehicle moving away to reveal Don behind the vehicle watching in disgust. Cuts to CU of Don's reaction. He is next to a fishing trophy.
1.36 - Shot from front of Don drinking from water fountain. Man in tennis equipment in background. Cuts to MLS of a black lady playing tennis bending over to get a ball. Cuts briefly to Don's reactionless face still drinking, but from a side CU angle. Then cuts back to lady playing tennis and back to Don again like previous.
1.45 - MLS of Don topless leaning against a bar holding backetball. Cuts to same shot but closer in. Follow by another cut to an CU of his face. Still the same expression as previous two shots though. Cuts to people playing basketball, including ethnical people. Then cuts to a CU of Don's face and subtitles 'Selfish Bastards'.
1.54 - Shows Don and three others in Cafe around a table. Subtitles 'Because they don't have to work in the morning'. Audience assume it is the punchline of a racist joke. Shows the four men laughing. Then cuts to the same thing but from a MLS and subtitles 'Ha ha ha ha ha'. Cuts back to previous shot and shows some mexican men walking past. Cuts to closer in shot and Don and his friends aren't laughing anymore, they are suddenly cautious and unhappy. Subtitles 'Watch Don's trophy'. Cuts to similar shot but the four Mexicans around their table laughing instead of Don and his friends. Then cuts back to Don's table looking miserable.
2.16 - Camera positioned behind Don's head looking into a mirror doing his hair.
2.21 - Shows kids jumping around in Don's fishing boat outside his house with a MLS. Cuts to Don storming out his house. Then quick cuts Don getting angry with the kids chucking them off the boat. He takes trophy back off one of them.
2.32 - MCU Don looking angry to one side, garage like at beginning in the background. Cuts to Don walking up to the lamppost with the sign as seen earlier, MLS. Back to previous shot but this time Don is looking the other way. Cuts back to MLS as he is about to cross the road next to the lamppost. Cuts a little closer in and he starts crossing road. He gets hit by a really quick car, quite graphic. Cuts to the same shot of the neighbourhood watch sign like earlier in the video. Cuts to Don dead lying in the road. Cuts to Trophy on the floor next to him, then to a different angle of his on the road. Text across screen 'ALWAYS LOOK BOTH WAYS BEFORE CROSSING THE STREET'. Shows a man appraoching the body, he looks asian. Cuts to front view of the man, MS. He is on the phone. Subtitles '{This is 911}'. Cuts back to previous shot, subtitles '{What's your emergency?}'. Man walks away. Then Like the previous text, it says 'AND DON'T BE A RACIST'
3.04 - Cuts back to shot where he gets hit by a car and replays it but with the text across the screen saying 'OR ELSE'

Conclusion: This video is not really what we are aiming to achieve in our music video. However, it does demonstrate the use of text along the screen, which is a concept me and Rob have talked about using in our video. It also demonstrates a continuous story throughout, which me and rob have also discussed. Techniques used in the video include the use of black and white throughout and the use of text across the screen. These will be taken ino consideration when making our video, as I believe the text compensates for not doing lip synching, which me and Rob do not want to do. The music video also does a lot of cutting back to the previous shot, i found this to be a very good technique and made the video more entertaining and understandable. It is a completely concept based video, which applies to me and rob and I think that the content, along with the almost humourous ending, makes the video stand up to repeat viewings. The video uses quite a lot of MLS that then cuts to CU shots of his face. I enjoyed watching this as it emphasised the characters reaction. The Mise-en-scene in the video is pretyy basic. It is just a typical American neighbourhood. In some shots the costume helps us to understand a bit about the context. For exmaple, the man dressed in a tennis costume allows the audience to recognise the context of the situation. Overall, I think that me and Rob can implement a lot of ideas that we have seen in this video.

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