Sunday 25 November 2007

PRODUCT ANALYSIS: Moby - Natural Blues

  • Opens with shots from an old persons home. Panning across seeing motionless old people. Early idea of depressing video. It then cuts to an Old Moby in a wheelchair being wheeled through a corridoor. This is eye-catching and grabs an active audience's attention as they would not expect to see a normaly youthful artist looking old and in a wheelchair.
  • POV shot from wheelchair at other old people staring at him.
  • As keyboard kicks in, we get to see how disbaled Moby is in his wheelchair, which although isn't graphic in terms of gore or anything like that, it is still quite shocking for the audience.
  • The lyrics "ooo lordy, troubles do hard" and "Don't nobody know my troubles but God" are repeated a lot. This is synchronised with going down the corridoor past wheelchairs watching TV's, really giving off the idea of repetition. The lyrics also make the audience think whether the video has a connection with religion and try to see the links.
  • Gets pushed in a room to watch TV with others in similar situation. This enforces the idea of voyeurism, all of them watching one thing. There is a model angel on top of the TV.
  • As the TV shows a sunset going down, Moby's character starts looking through a photo album of him in a young age. This is where the audience really start to think about the connection to God. Has a lot of CU shots on his face.
  • Moby is then shown on the TV in his young age, again displaying voyeurism.
  • So far, the video could be described as quite depressing. The setting reinforces this. The location is a run down old peoples home, somewhere which we don't like to think about.
  • The TV is showing parts of his life and growing up. Remeniscent.
  • The angel (Christina Ricci) comes alive on top of the TV. This could be seen as enigmatic. Has he died and is being taken away? Has he discovered or even rediscovered religion?
  • The lighting is very bright and her arms are spread, very angelic, not represented sexually at all. A light is shone on to Moby's face.
  • A white screen cutout then cuts to the angel carrying Moby in her arms down a long hallway going into a bright light. Again, this could be enigmatic. Is he dreaming? Is she carrying him to heaven?
  • It then cuts to the final shot of the angel holding a baby into the air with a bright white background. Is he being reborn? Or is the video saying that getting older brings about realization of ageing and that the best is behind you in a young age? enigmatic
    Throughout the video, it uses a lot of MCU and POV shots. The audience is positioned as voyeuristically watching Moby.
  • The Mise-en-scene in the video is of a typical old peoples home. Although not told, the audience can make the assumption due to the costume, dressing gowns and nurses etc, and the props such as the wheelchairs. The lighting is also very important in the video, especially on the appearance of the angel. It helps to exaggerate her role as the angel.
  • I think that the video stands up to repeat viewings. It makes the audience think and perhaps even question themselves and makes them realise that everyone has to get old one day. The video portrays ageing as it is, most enjoyment when you are young and then when you are old looking back on it with fond memories.

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